Installation ============ Requirements ------------ Watchghost needs Python>=3.6 in order to work. From source ----------- To install Watchghost, you need to specify the extras required for watchers and loggers you want to use. .. code-block:: shell # example: to install required dependencies # for SSH watcher and InfluxDB logger pip install watchghost[influx,ssh] watchghost The list of extras available is: - watchers - *ftp* - for FTP watcher - *ssh* - for SSH watcher - *whois* - for whois.Expire watcher - loggers - *influx* - for InfluxDB logger - others - *all* - to install all dependencies - *doc* - to generate documentation with Sphinx - *test* - to execute tests with pytest and selenium Once Watchghost is installed and launched, you can access its web interface on port ``8888``. It also installs some configuration in ``~/.config/watchghost`` if none is found. For your distribution --------------------- ArchLinux ~~~~~~~~~ The `latest released package `_ is available on AUR, as well as a package from the `master branch `_.