Builtin Loggers


Shared configuration to all builtin loggers. Every other logger heritate from this one.

Default configuration:

status = null
only_hard = false
only_changes = true
status:a list of watcher’s status at which events are logged
only_hard:If set to true, activate logger only if persistant state. If set to false activate logg at every watcher changes.
only_changes:If set to true, activate logger only if ther is changes compare to the previous version. If set to false activate logger every time.


How to :

type = "Console"

Default configuration:

message =
  "{watcher.description} on {watcher.server.name} "
filename = null
message:The message given by the logger.
filename:If no filename is specified, print on standard output. If set to something (ex: log.log) logger store in this file.


How to :

type = "Sendmail"

Default configuration:

status = ["warning", "error", "critical", "unknown"]
from = "no-reply@example.com"
to = "no-reply@example.com"
subject = "Error for {watcher.description} on {watcher.server.name}"
message =
    "Error for {watcher.description} on {watcher.server.name}.\n\n"
status:available statuses for this logger
from:mail expeditor
to:mail receiver
subject:mail subject
message:mail content


How to :

type = "Smtp"

Default configuration

status = ["info", "warning", "error", "critical", "unknown"]
from = "no-reply@example.com"
to = "no-reply@example.com"
subject = "{watcher.status} for {watcher.description} on {watcher.server.name}"
message =
    "{watcher.status} for {watcher.description} on {watcher.server.name}.\n\n "
smtp_host = "localhost"
smtp_port = 587
smtp_starttls = true
smtp_username = null
smtp_password = null
status:available statuses for this logger
from:mail expeditor
to:mail receiver
subject:mail subject
message:mail content
smtp_starttls:Set to true to start a tls smtp connection. Set to false otherwise.


How to :

type = "SmsOVH"

Default configuration

status = ["info", "warning", "error", "critical", "unknown"]
base_url = "https://www.ovh.com/cgi-bin/sms/http2sms.cgi?"
sms_account = null
sms_login = null
sms_password = null
sms_from = null
sms_to = null
timeout = false
message =
    "'{watcher.status}' status for '{watcher.description}'"